
It's simple....

Your word is your promise. You do what you say.

A promise is a promise. Breaking it is never a consideration.

Think of others before yourself. Making others happy will bring you joy.

Doing anything because it "feels right" suggests that you haven't given it much thought to whether it IS right.

Feelings WILL change. Honor remains the same.

Respect the ones you love first because you will always love those whom you respect.

Honor and commitment should never become a thing of the past or the past is all we will have left. There will be nothing left for our future.

Our society has been lied to. We are told by media, friends, family and some religions that if it feels good... Then we should do it. Our own happiness should reign supreme. If something gets too hard, then we should move on.

So what happens when you can no longer find happiness by doing what feels right? When you have left everything and everyone behind to follow your heart? What happened to thinking things through? What has happened to our American spirit?? "When the going gets tough, the tough get going?" "Never say die?" Our society has become lazy and selfish. What is going to be left for our kids? What legacy will they inherit? Will we still be able to be the greatest nation in the world when our greatest inclination is to please ourselves?

It is more clear to me than ever before, we have to teach about devotion.

Pass it on...


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